
Shawn Mengel (he/him)

Ph.D. Candidate, 5th year / Chemical Engineering

B.S., M.S. Chemical Engineering / Drexel University (2020)


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My research investigates the hydrophobic collapse of sequence-defined polypeptoids in order to further understanding of sequence effects on dynamic mesoscale chain structure.

I grew up in Pennsylvania and attended Drexel University, studying chemical engineering. At Drexel, I worked in the lab of Dr. Aaron Fafarman, tuning surface properties and deposition methods of colloidal semiconductor nanocrystals for photovoltaic applications. I was also employed by Sartomer and Orange Maker through Drexel’s co-op program, where I developed new stereolithographic 3D printing technologies and materials. Outside of the lab, I enjoy exploring the outdoors and baking.